Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Monday, June 2, 2008

RSS overload

WOW what an overload of information that you can receive. Its necessary to filter what you want to read and whats not necessary. Which is just he same as reading the newspaper. You don't read everything. Only the headings or photos that take your interest. great concept though. I wish I new about it earlier. I found one site which is the Antarctic huts conservation project. Images and a general running commentary of activities. It gives a good overview of conservation while being in a very informal manner. nice.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Flickr and blogs

Looking at some of the other blogs there are great variations in content. Just as there are great variations in staff in the library - so I expect nothing less.
I have enjoyed a few of the other images chosen - particularly the image of a huge set of stairs with a person at the bottom in a wheelchair. Some times access is a bit like that - its there and available but hard to use.

A is for Access

A is for Access
Originally uploaded by Ben Zvan
Thanks for the assistance Mylee it is now up on my blog.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A is for Access

I liked this photo but I can't seem to make it appear on the blog site. I tried using add image but it just had a link to the photo. I will have another go in the next post.

The reason I like this photo is the intrigue, desire, suspense of the open door is a great representation of Access. All people are drawn to the open door to discover what is beyond -the learning, the insight, surprises, understanding. This is all encompassing for a library - for our Library.


I guess I thought I would see more formal "official" photography rather than the random visitors shots. I suppose this is the point of flickr, they are owned by individual people who take the photographs to suit their own purposes. The shots on the marble stairs were rather nice, providing a different perspective on the Library.
The way that flickr is organised by most recent to least recent provides valuable information in seeing how the building may have changed or been altered over time. What a shame flickr wasnt around earlier.
Some photos popped up that didn't seem to have any relevance to the SLNSW - portrait shots and the tags also didn't seem to suggest SLNSW - full comment mentions that the photo was taken outside SLNSW.

Sunday, May 4, 2008


well briefly using this search - i found it difficult to find any information on paper conservation or paper conservators. I wonder since we are so into the real thing hold the letter in our hand that we- as a group have not expanded into the virtual world. it would be a great way to share our treamtents and expereinces as they happen. we do have the distribution list which has been running for such a long time - but maybe there is a way to expand the field.